Here are some psycho-educational material that you may find helpful. Topics include:
(page under construction not all topics available at this times)
Suggested Reading
Emotional Intelligence
Sexual Abuse
Somatic Psychology
On why do we have emotions. Are emotions useful?
Reference: HeartMath Institute,
The Space Between Self-Esteem and Self Compassion: Kristin Neff
'Much of trauma healing is helping the nervous system become more “resilient.” Rather than spend a few hours or even days drowning in a state of terror, tension and nervousness after getting triggered, doing one or more of these exercises can help the nervous system shift into a different state sooner.' Heidi Hanson
"When Things Fall Apart" - Pema Chodron (Book)
On difficult times.
RELATIONSHIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Attachment Styles and How they Sneak into our Adult Relationships. What are attachment styles, how do we get them and are they contagious? Find out! Dr. Heller tells us we all have them and they can say a lot about how we behave as adults
Connection Exercise: Diane Poole Heller
Diane Poole Heller leads a connection exercise
ON EMOTIONS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Brenee Brown - Empathy versus sympathy
Good description on the difference between sympathy and empathy.
RSA ANIMATE - THE POWER OF OUTROSPECTION - Empathy as power for change
Roman Krznaric is an internationally renowned expert on empathy and author of Empathy: A Handbook for Revolution.
Healing the shame that binds you - John Bradshaw
ADDICTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
From drugs to power. From the lack of love to the desire to escape oneself, from susceptibility of the being to interior power -- nothing escapes. And he risks a generic and generous prescription: "Find your nature and be nice to yourself."
PARENTING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
So many, parents and experts alike, advocate the idea of “teaching a baby to self settle” or “self soothe”. Self soothing is often referred to as the holy grail of baby sleep, once babies can self soothe, parents are told to expect uninterrupted nights and easier bedtimes. Many experts tell sleep deprived parents how vitally important it is to teach the ‘skill’ of self soothing to their offspring as soon as possible.
Only, it’s not true…..
Prácticas en español que promueven la salud y el bienestar, manejando el estrés, la ansiedad, el dolor crónico y la depresión. Basadas en el programa MBSR de la Universidad de Massachusetts para entrenar la mente, atención, conciencia plena o mindfulness